An unprecedentedly vast Neolithic settlement — the largest ever discovered in Israel and the Levant, say archaeologists — is currently being excavated ahead of highway construction five kilometers from Jerusalem, it was announced on Tuesday. The 9,000-year-old site, located near the town of Motza, is the “Big Bang” for prehistory settlement research due to its...Read More
Diamonds may be a girl’s best friend, according to Marilyn Monroe, but precious and semi-precious stones were used thousands of years before to make amulets, impression seals and objects in the Temple and to beautify the robes of the High Priest. A selection of stones of various types, including talc, amethyst, serpentine, chalcedony, lapis lazuli,...Read More
An exciting find was unveiled October 9 by the Israel Antiquities Authority and the Israel Museum: a unique stone inscription dating from the Second Temple Period (first century CE), including the full Hebrew spelling of “Jerusalem” as we know it today. The inscription was found last winter near the Jerusalem International Convention Center (Binyanei Ha’Uma)...Read More
The regal-looking pomegranate, ruby-red with a crown on top, ripens on Israeli trees just in time to decorate Jewish New Year holiday tables in early autumn. Each fruit has hundreds of edible juicy seeds, called arils, traditionally equated to the 613 commandments in the Torah. But pomegranates are appreciated across the world, any time of...Read More
The humanitarian aid organization first Israeli NGO to win the United Nation’s ‘Population Award’, for its work providing free heart surgeries to children in need all over the world. For the first time, an Israeli non-profit organization is receiving the United Nation’s ‘Population Award.’ Save a Child’s Heart (SACH), Israel’s largest international humanitarian non-profit, was...Read More
Watergen, Utilis, Innoviz and others listed among 61 of the world’s most promising technology pioneers. Israel has second most companies on the list. Eight Israeli startups were among the 61 early-stage companies recognized by the World Economic Forum for their design and development of potentially world-changing innovations and technologies. Watergen, a Rishon LeTzion-based company whose...Read More
Bamba, arak, watermelon and Bulgarian cheese, labane and zaatar – this summer’s ice creams are coming in some very surprising flavors! Everyone knows that pedestrian ice cream and gelato flavors are passé in 2018. At a time when “local” and “seasonal” are the buzzwords, we’re totally in love with the new uniquely Israeli flavors showing...Read More
In the beginning, there was Start-Up Nation: The Story of Israel’s Economic Miracle. Eight and a half years after Dan Senor and Saul Singer’s bestseller shed light on Israel’s implausibly successful startup ecosystem, Avi Jorisch created Thou Shalt Innovate: How Israeli Ingenuity Repairs the World to highlight Israeli inventions fulfilling the Jewish passion for tikkun...Read More
Thirty years ago, Shaul Goldstein took a walk with his friend David Be’eri among neglected stone heaps in the ancient City of David, just outside the Old City of Jerusalem. Be’eri shared his dream that one day the historic site would be restored, both structurally and to the hearts and souls of the Jewish people....Read More
A surprising discovery by archaeologists has unearthed what is being dubbed as the 12th cave in which Dead Sea Scrolls from the Second Temple period were hidden. The find, representing a milestone in Dead Sea Scroll research, was made by Dr. Oren Gutfeld and Ahiad Ovadia from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Institute of Archaeology, with...Read More
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